Thursday, Jul. 17, 2003 - 9:39 pm

random thought:

ok, so this is my third try to add an entry. the first time was last night, and when i clicked "done" the internet hiccuped and it gave me an error and then when i hit back to try again diaryland must have been down because it said the page was unavailable... for goodness sakes... the second time was eariler today... but my computer randomly shut off in the middle of my writing. great fun. anyway, we're trying again now... lets hope this turns out better than the last two times.

anyway... cube thought up a good domain name for me today... smdgenesque - either .com or .net - i dont like any of the other endings. anyway, it sounds like a good name to me. what do you all think? let me know in the guestbook, or my notes, or through email, or im, or whatever! lol. he also suggested smdgensight (like smdgen + insight) but i like the other one better.

in other news - loli's coming to visit on saturday! yay! i can't wait! i have no CLUE what we're gonna do, but whatever we do, it'll be fun, lol. we're gonna go to the jersey shore, i know that... dunno what else tho. maybe i'll take her to see the mansions near where my godmother lives. those houses are HUGE! haha. craziness. anyway, dunno if i could even find them, lol. i was only there once. we'll see. we'll find stuff to do, lol. we're bound to! we can always go out to the jackson outlets and shop! lol.

so yeah, the apartment's a mess... oh well. - - i kinda like .net better. decisions...