review? part 2
Thursday, Jul. 31, 2003 - 9:06 am

random thought: the plural of mouse is mice, so why is the plural of house not hice?

ok, so i got the review. you all can read it here. but basically she didnt like that i didn't color the scroll bar over there. eh. when i'm on a website or a journal, i usually dont even notice scroll bar, unless it's colored so oddly that i can't even figure out where to click. which happens. she also didnt like that the links i put in my text (just like the one up there) blend in, she told me i should us a different color and change the underline to something different. but then she said how im using too many colors. she also said i should change the text color to something darker. but nothing else would really match. ahh well, i didnt get a fantabulous score... but that's ok. i've been trying to think about a new design anyway.

in other news, my next entry will be my 50th entry, woah! perhaps i'll sum up what's happened since i started this journal in that entry. like a reflection. it'd be like half a year, that's a good amount of time. and that'll make it easier to do my "year in review" that i mean to do every year, but always forget about.

anyway, so i must go rearrange my room again so that i can fit my desk someplace. finally got it together - it's just missing a drawer because the two pieces that hold the drawer together are missing out of the box. they're on their way. i'll have a drawer in 3-5 business days.