drive by move in
Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 - 11:15 pm

random thought: so being a senior in college sucks. i dont want to leave and i dont want to stay.

today was a strange day. i woke up early and drove all the way out to school with a car load of my stuff. i'm not allowed to stay out there yet. we're not allowed on campus officially until saturday (which sucks because classes start monday - YES labor day), so i have virtually no time at all to unpack and settle in before i'm bounced around. ugh. anyway, the turnpike was hell, one exit was closed, so there was a backup there, then there was a backup at the next exit from all the people wanting to get off there to go back to the previous exit. anyway, there were accidents and flat tires gallore. craziness. so i finally got to school and dumped off my car load of stuff into the living room of my apartment because res life can't give me my key until saturday. so whatev. jeff is there, he's moving in and settling in and everything. the frosh are getting there tomorrow i guess... and he's going to help them all move in too. i suppose i should have signed up for that. lol. oh well. i dont like moving my own shit much less other people's shit. so forget that. anyway, i forgot a couple times that i wasn't staying there. i kept trying to open the door to my room. oh well.

so then i get back here and there was apparently a huge storm while i was gone. we have this little table outside our door with a plant on it. well, that was all knocked over and there were leaves and tree branches everywhere and everything was all wet. damn. monster storm. glad i missed it i think. lol. so then i took kay to petsmart to get him something for his birthday. he was being weird. he was barking and growling at all the other dogs he saw. when he did it to this little yorkie, we tried to let him go over to sniff the dog, but the yorkie's owner pulled him back. ah well. guess they thought he was going to bite even tho i'm pretty damn sure he wouldnt have. oh well tho. we bought him this new water thing that keeps the water moving. he loves moving water. like, he always used to come get a drink when we'd refill the water bowl because we'd be pouring in new water and he'd drink from the pour instead of the bowl, lol. so we had gotten this other bowl - like a water cooler - and it would glug water in when the level got down. but THIS one has a pump in it and it keeps it moving all the time. he's in seventh heaven. haha.

so i have to get to packing the rest of my stuff now. all my clothes and what not. i'm going to hold off on laundry until friday so i only have one dirty outfit when i go back, lol. and hopefully i wont forget anything. i always do. its practically unavoidable. mostly because i have so much damn crap. and my other problem is that i have lots of doubles of things. like my first year, i bought a bunch of stuff i already had so that i wouldn't have to take my room apart at home. dumb move on my part because then when i come home from school, i have no where to PUT all my stuff. i'm going to have to have a major yard sale in may, i can feel it now. ugh. stop thinking about may.

ok. yeah. ok. whatev. lol.