ss - 3
Saturday, Sept. 13, 2003 - 1:07 pm

random thought: saturday scruples

The pregnancy has been confirmed, but you're both single and in school. You're not ready to become parents. Do you arrange an abortion?
yes. if i'm not ready to bring a child into the world and take care of it myself, i'd rather get the abortion than put it up for adoption.

You're playing badminton with a very competitive person. You discover s/he has a disability, a blind spot. Do you take advantage?
hmmmm, this is a tough one. i dont know what i'd do really. i suppose i would go 50-50 on it. i would only take advantage of it sometimes that way i'm still playing competitively, but i'm not letting the other person win. even tho that sounds really rude.

In the middle of your evaluation, your boss is called away. Your personnel file is left open. Do you glance at it?
hahahaha. i think a couple years ago i would have said yes, definitely. now... i'm not so sure. if it was close enough for me to glance without moving too much... then yeah, i would look. but i'd have to get up to walk around the desk to look at it or something... then no, i wouldn't.