WEIRD dream
Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2004 - 4:49 pm

random thought: i hope dreams dont come true for me today

last night i had the weirdest dream ever. i dreamt i was watching some race on tv. tons of people were running for some foundation. as i looked closer, there was a hoard of people from my high school all wearing shirts that had our high school name all over the back. well, they started running, and the camera was panning through the crowd showing all these people's shirts because apparently there was a prize for most artistic group shirts. anyway, just as they got to the group of people from my high school, someone in the group screamed bloody murder and ran into the crowd, which subsequently parted to show katy standing over her father who was recieving cpr. at that moment, i thought i woke up and tried to yell to my mom, but my voice couldn't work. then, as i tried to yell louder, i really woke up here at school. so it was like i was dreaming about dreaming that weird dream. anyway, it freaked me out. and then this morning katy's away message said she was in the hospital all day for her dad's surgery. god damn. i just hope he's ok and that i just had a weird dream and not some kind of prediction. it certainly was strange though.

anyway, i have to go run some errands. i'll update when i hear back from katy about her dad.