yay for sleep overs!
Sunday, Sept. 10, 2006 - 11:04 pm

random thought: word of the day: VETO!

had a freakin awesome time last night with my dance girls. i'm still working on our names. i WILL come up with some. got nice and drunk quick too. because we were trying to be sophisticated and ate cheese and grapes with our hooker wine (arbor mist). except then we forgot to eat dinner, so we were all drunk after like 2-3 drinks! yay! we're cheap! haha. yeah, we can't forget dinner next time. it doesn't make so good for the waking up the next day. yeah.

meanwhile... SO psyched about wednesday. cube is taking me on a mini-vacation for our anniversary! 7 years man... i can't believe it. i'm happy, but it seems like FOREVER and at the same time, like just yesterday. i'm still having a hard time accepting i've been out of school for almost 2 and a half years already.

ANYWAY. i must sleep; sleeping did not go so well last night. as it never does when you are drunk and sleeping on the couch. and when crazy cats are running into walls. and sounding like children talking. weirdness. seriously. anyway - sleep... here i come!