the wonderful people of my life
Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 - 12:06 am

random thought: roll the credits!

ok, so i decided maybe you people who read my diary would appreciate having a little list of who everyone is that i talk about...

midge - that's me, haha. i'm 24 as of July 13th 2006... i'm working in a non-profit for a non-profit salary... it sucks, but it's rewarding

q/cube/cubee - my loving, adoring, oh-so-good-to-me boyfriend. we started dating my senior year of high school, sept 1999 - it's been quite a beaten path so far, but it's getting better every day

deenee - my mother. she's great. a little too much at times, but we're close, that's a good thing. finally woke up and filed for divorce against the jerk.

jerk - my father. asshole. abusive. thinks the world revolves around him. clinically depressed, on all kinds of meds. horrible person in private... hence everyone wanted him as their father growing up.

kayleb - aka kay. my baby boy. he's a carin terrier (like toto on the wizard of oz, except blond). he's a love-bug and misses me when i'm at work. i miss him too, he's my companion completely. he was born in august 1999 (right before cube and i started dating, so he's like a living time line of our relationship)

jackie - my other dog. she's very independant. hates it when i try to hold her and wont stay near me unless she's cold and wants to use me as a personal heater. she's a carin too, but black, just like toto.

jeff - my best guy friend. his sexuality is always to be questioned. we met virtually our first day at college and immediately clicked. GREAT guy, so glad to have him in my life.

the dance girls - my friends from dance class. we all grew up together taking dance class at a studio in my hometown. a couple of us went away to college and lost touch. i just recently got back in touch with them. i love it! and i love them all.

smalls - a friend from work. she's older and wiser, but we get along great. i love her company.

ash-lay - another friend from work (who has since quit where i work and moved to another job... lucky!) her smalls and i formed our own little clique at work. well, her and smalls were there first, i just joined in, haha.

nic - really cool girl i met at an old job. we clicked really well. she's very grounded. and funny. - guy friend i met at the same old job with nic. the three of us formed a clique there and have been getting together ever since (none of us work there anymore, haha).

ang - she's so nutso. she makes these huge plans for herself and usually does them, it's astonishing really. i admire her gusto. i wish i could see her and hang out more often, but she's always doing something... and usually we're in different states.

kelle - another smartie pants. we were roommates junior year of college. she has a great personality and we get along really well. i like spending time with her.

davis - my ex-therapist. i saw him from 09/2000 to 05/2004. he helped me stay in college and i felt like i couldn't move on without him. i did.

heather - one of the greatest girls i know. she's very smart, very classy and can always give good advice, even if you dont want it. she's a great listener. and SO friendly! (even if she hates you, which is why i'm always wary around her, lol)

circa 09/06