poy - quirks
Sunday, Jan. 16, 2005 - 10:33 pm

random thought: pieces of you

We all have our little quirks. (( example :: funny mannerisms, quirky habits, etc )) We notice them in others all the time. But do you know what your own little quirks are? If so, what are they? Do you or others find them annoying, cute or way out of this world?

i definitely have quirks. one that cube finds quite interesting is that i moan in my sleep. i dont know why... i dont know what i'm dreaming about... but it's probably cube. haha. i've done it all my life as far as i know. sometimes i've been told i'll also say cube's name in my sleep. a little embarassing, but whatever. i dont think i have any that are out of this world or extremely annoying or anything like that. i also say "oh my gah" and i did so before jessica simpson did as well. mainly because of my "accent" although i guess many people wouldn't think i have much of an accent. you just can't hear the "d" when i say it... so i stopped trying. haha. oh, and i'm a typical italian... i ALWAYS talk with my hands... and i have a very "elastic" face that shows emotion very well. haha. interesting i think.

a quirk that annoys me is old people who click their dentures. just because something foreign is in your mouth doesn't mean you should constantly play with it! and clicking gum too... that's not so annoying, i can take it for a little while, but then it's annoying. but i've noticed that some people just dont realize they do it... so that's why i'm calling it a quirk. but a quirk i REALLY hate is the im-talking-to-you-but-im-not-going-to-look-directly-at-you quirk. you know the ones... they face you, but their eyes are focused either to the left or right of you... noticably so, not just slightly... they aren't looking at your ear, they're looking somewhere way apart from you. and it's not until their done talking that they'll look at you. i mean, i know sometimes i look away when i'm talking, but i dont constantly stare at something other than a person's face. that's just rude. and annoying as hell.